Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CAS Activity Proposal: Bass Guitar Lessons

Student's Name: William Ou
Supervisor's Name: Mr. Flores
Year: 12
Duration: February - May 2012

What is my past experience with this activity?
I have never experience teaching bass to a friend. However, I have tutored piano to some elementary students and have played bass for 4 years now, I am confident and clear of what I'm doing.

What new learning or skill do I hope to pick up or develop?
I hope to develop the skill of organization and time management which I will be needing a lot of in performing the task as well as many other things in life.

How will this experience be different from that of the past?
This experience is different from the past because Mitchell is my friend. It's very hard to have a teacher to student relationship with a good friend. It can either be a distrataction or a advantage, it all depends on both my performance as a teacher and his as a learner.

How am I going to know if I am making progress or experiencing growth in this activity?
Me and Mitchell will organize short weekly meetings with Mr.Florres to access Mitchell's progress in plaiying the bass guitar.

Mitchell's goal is to perform atleast once at a school event such as the End of the Year Party. I will give him the choice of what songs he would want to learn.

Both Mitchell and I will benefit in this activity, as I will be able to learn how to teach better, which requires a lot of planning. Mitchell will benefit through facing the challenges in learning the bass guitar, which will hopefully get him to become a bass player.

Every Friday and Sunday nigh, 1 hour each session, from February to May.

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