Sunday, August 21, 2011

CAS Activity Proposal Form

Name William Ou
Supervisor’s Name Mr. Tolentino

Year 12
Activity Name Boys Varsity Volleyball

Date(s) / Duration of Activity August - October

What is my past experience with this activity?
I’ve been trying out for the varsity team nearly every year since the 6th grade. Last year was my first time to be on the official ISAC team. Last year I specialized as a open hitter, because it is the position I play best, but I have a very flat spike in which the spike is strong but very inaccurate and often goes out of bound. However our team managed to take 1st runner up in our biggest tournament, ISAC.

What new learning or skill do I hope to pick up or develop?
I will continue to learn how to clip better, so I can put in spin in my hit to make the ball go down. I also want to continue practicing my shoot spike in which I have been trying out since last year. Offense is important but defense is more important, I want to be more consistent at receiving because a good set always comes from a good receive. A new skill I would like to develop this though, is the jump serve.

How will this experience be different from that of the past?
This experience will be different to me this year because I will now play as a veteran and also as a senior. I am guessing that this would impact me in a positive way by motivating more and playing harder on the court and have never give up mind set.

How am I going to know if I am making progress in achieving the goal/s I have set?
When my spikes start going where I want it on the court, then I know my offense is getting better, also if my receives goes to the hitter and that I don’t still and watch the ball land then my receiving would be better. Most importantly if our whole team is enjoying the game, I know that not only I am making progress but me as well.
Goals What is/are your goal/s for this activity? What do you hope to achieve?
ISAC 2011 Champions, have a top-spin spike, master the “shoot”, be more alert in receiving, establish a threatening jump serve or serve, work well with teammates and have a good team spirit

Impact Who will benefit from this activity? How?
Me and my teammates because it is it will develop our individual skills and will make us learn and experience true sportsmanship and hard work. Coaches and the school in general would be impacted as well, because we are a varsity team that represents our school, the better we perform the prouder our school.

Timeline Where, how often, and for how long will the activity take place? (specific dates whenever possible)
Every School day(Monday-Friday) After school 4pm - 5:30pm

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